Spoiler Alert: Your Favorite Show Sucks

AMC’s “The Walking Dead” is deplorable torture porn for people who enjoy bad writing and flagrantly abusive commercial manipulation. The show is the harbinger of a zeitgeist that wants to eliminate the F-word and thinks naked titties on network TV are a bridge too far — but LOVES popped eyeballs and oozing brain matter.

Rick Grimes is not a leader. He hasn’t been a leader in any traditional sense since the end of season 2. I wouldn’t follow him into a grocery store, let alone through a post-apocalyptic world of zombies who never rot, no matter how long the story drags on.

The Walking Dead is not a semi-realistic portrayal of life after the collapse of civilization. It does nothing to examine the collapse of human infrastructure when there are no humans left to maintain it. It completely ignores the wildlife population boom when the apex predator disappears altogether.

TWD is a precise treatise on just how far you can push an audience of geek-starved sci-fi and fantasy enthusiasts if you give them just enough fan-service. Every plot point is a marketing strategy to tell as little story as possible while still drawing a crowd at Comic-Con.

I have gone from rooting for the death of Andrew Lincolns’ sheriff Grimes to rooting for the deaths of all the fantastic great characters trapped in this black hole of a story. But “gone” is the operative word, as I haven’t really followed the show since the prison-finale several years back, and only tune in to cover the phenomena for the sociological implications of its beta-masochistic fan base.


There’s no accounting for taste.

What did you think of the season 7 opener?


  1. I enjoyed the premiere but it was a bit predictable. Glenn’s death was in the comicbook so I think most of us knew it was coming. I do take issue with using this episode as the cliffhanger after teasing us for the entire season. I agree that a more complex plot exploring the societal breakdown after a zombie apocalypse would be a positive change but this would not follow the comicbook. Shallow, yes. Repetitive, yes. Gratuitous violence, yes. Will I anxiously await Rick and the crew’s revenge on Negan? Hell yes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s fair. Taste is personal and everyone has reasons for why they love their favorite shows. I just don’t think Rick can lead the crew to a satisfactory conclusion with Negan and his crew, without resorting to a lifeline.

      What? Too soon? 😉


  2. Oh it’s definitely not my favorite show. It’s enjoyable and fun. GoT and Westworld are currently highest on my list.


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